International Seminar “Taking on Climate Change Through Green Taxation”

    6 de March, 2024 cicf 99 No Comments

    The School of Management and the Research Centre on Accounting and Taxation (CICF) of the IPCA will hold the International Seminar “Taking on Climate Change Through Green Taxation” on March 14 and 15, under the scope of the master’s degrees in Solicitorship and Taxation.

    This International Seminar provides applied research on increasing green tax literacy, to strengthen companies’ capacity to adopt sustainable practices in favour of environmental protection, to sensitise companies to sustainable reporting and to increase the international debate on the issue of environmental taxation and its impact on more sustainable business decisions.

    Led by business experts with more than 20 years’ experience, the Seminar will address topics such as corporate social responsibility, environmental tax management and sustainable tax policy. The presentations are aimed at policymakers, corporate governance and social responsibility professionals and researchers interested in taxation, accounting, auditing, finance, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.

    On 14 March, starting at 6pm, the seminar will take place in person at the Dr António Martins Auditorium at ESG. On 15 March, also starting at 6pm, the session will be held online.

    The access to the 15 March session can be made here.  

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