Visit by Professor Greg Stoner (University of Glasgow)

    28 de September, 2023 cicf 136 No Comments

    Visit by Professor Greg Stoner (University of Glasgow)

    Joint initiative between ISCAP/IPP (CEOS), IPCA (CICF) and ISCA-University of Aveiro

    As part of a joint initiative between the Centre for Organizational and Social Studies of the Polytechnic of Porto (CEOS.PP) of the Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP/IPP), the Research Centre on Accounting and Taxation (CICF) of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, and the Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration (ISCA) of the University of Aveiro, two Research Seminars were held last week, lectured by Professor Greg Stoner from the University of Glasgow.:

    • 19/09, 14:30: Research Seminar: Insights into Accounting Education, organized by CEOS.PP – ISCAP/IPP (Large Auditorium)
    • 22/09, 14:30: Research Seminar: Accounting Education Research, as part of the opening of the Doctoral Programme in Accounting 2023/2024, organized by CICF and ISCA – University of Aveiro (ANF 10.1.3 of DEGEIT)

    Professor Greg Stoner’s visit took place in a welcoming and informal atmosphere. Professor Stoner shared his experience and views on topics and issues in accounting education with teachers and students in two stimulating and interactive sessions. Here are some of those moments.

    Thank You, Professor Greg Stoner!



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