Seminar Grow Green | Green Taxation in Companies

    24 de May, 2022 cicf 305 No Comments

    The Centre for Research on Accounting and Taxation (CICF) and the School of Management (ESG) organize, together with IAPMEI, the seminar “Grow Green | Green Taxation in Companies”.

    The event, which will take place on 7 June, will feature a panel of experts in the field and also an exhibition of research work by master’s degree students on environmental tax benefits in effect. The President of the IPCA, Maria José Fernandes, and the President of IAPMEI, Francisco Sá, are invited for the opening session, and Carlos Lobo, current strategic advisor of the company Ernest & Young, will be the keynote speaker.

    Green taxation has been approached as one of the main instruments to promote a more sustainable society. Thus, in the Portuguese tax system, a series of tax benefits have been created whose objective is to drive taxpayers’ behaviour towards environmental sustainability, coinciding with the paradigm of climate transition and the 2030 Agenda, in the continuation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this context, the seminar aims to discuss and raise awareness on the efficient use of environmental tax incentive instruments, and is aimed at the economic and business fabric and the academic community.

    The seminar “Grow Green | Green Taxation in Companies” is thus scheduled for 7 June, at 2.30pm, in the auditorium Eng. António Tavares. Entrance is free, but registration is mandatory in order to obtain a certificate of presence.

    Registration here


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