10th GECAMB Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting

    5 de February, 2020 cicf 646 No Comments

    The 10th GECAMB Conference on Environmental Management and Accounting will be held at the Higher Institute for Accountancy and Administration of Aveiro University, on 5th and 6th of November 2020, with a gala dinner on 5th of November 2020.

    Despite greater opportunities provided by technology and big data, the last decade has seen a loss of faith in business information. In fact, the need to ensure the organization sustainability, as well as the planet sustainability makes transparency and accountability issues crucial for environmental management and accounting.

    In this context, the theme of the conference is “Modernization and Accountability in Social and Environmental Management and Accounting”.

    The Conference will provide a space for academic discussion of social and environmental accounting issues by giving participants the opportunity to share emerging and advanced topics that seek to explore contemporary accounting practices and concepts including but not limited to measurement, accountability, transparency and governance, ethics, assurance, extended external reporting, modern slavery and cybersecurity.

    The Plenary Speakers include:

    • Professor Massimo Contrafatto, University of Bergamo, Italy;
    • Professor Enrique Bonson, University of Huelva, Spain;
    • Professor Teresa Eugénio, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal.


    Important Dates

    Full Paper & Extended Abstract Submission – June 7, 2020

    Response to authors – July 20, 2020

    Registration deadline for authors – September 30, 2020


    Conference official webpage

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