Presentation of the Financial Yearbook of Portuguese Municipalities 2018

    14 de October, 2019 cicf 691 No Comments

    On the 30th of October, at the António Domingues de Azevedo auditorium, in Lisbon, will be presented the Financial Yearbook of Portuguese Municipalities 2018, publication of the CICF and CICP of the University of Minho, and supported by the Order of Certified Accountants (OCC) ).

    The publication of the 15th edition of this study, coordinated by Professor Maria José Fernandes, will occur in the course of the debate on the “challenges and consequences of decentralization for local government”, which will take place between 9:30 and 13:00.

    The Financial Yearbook of Portuguese Municipalities is a national reference in monitoring the efficiency of the use of public resources in local administration.

    Registration is free, subject to prior reservation, which can be made through the following links: Members | General public

    You can consult the program here:

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