First IPSASB Research Forum

    24 de June, 2019 cicf 955 No Comments

    Academic research can make an important contribution to the development of high-quality public sector standards and the IPSASB intends to promote that contribution. The Board has, therefore, decided to organize its first Research Forum to promote a dialogue between IPSASB and academics on current IPSASB projects, including the public sector measurement, leasing, heritage, infrastructure assets and natural resources. Academics will so have the chance to make comments and suggestions before the exposure drafts as well as final standards are published, and the Board will have the opportunity to timely reflect those contributions into its work.

    Promoters and location: The IPSASB Research forum is organised with the University of Molise and the University of Naples Parthenope and is supported by the Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti ed degli Esperti Contabili (CNDCEC).
    It will be hosted in Naples on 17 September 2019, from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm at the Villa Doria D’Angri, via Petrarca 80 Napoli (Parthenope University).

    Participants: All researchers interested in public sector accounting and/or in the standard setting processes are invited to participate. The invitation is also open to professionals and civil servants directly involved in public sector accounting.

    The event is linked to the Special Issue of Public Money and Management Valuation and measurement in the public sector

    Submission Deadline extended to October 15th 2019.

    Webpage of the event:

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