Presentation of the Financial Yearbook of Portuguese Municipalities 2017

    15 de October, 2018 cicf 804 No Comments

    The 2017 edition of the Financial Yearbook of the Portuguese Municipalities was presented on Tuesday, October 2, in the António Domingues de Azevedo auditorium in Lisbon,

    The study, by João Carvalho, Maria José Fernandes and Pedro Camões, shows that the financial health of the Portuguese municipalities has improved in the last seven years, namely the reduction of total debt that of the chambers was reduced by 426 million euros in relation to last year.

    The document also states that the number of municipalities that pay in less than 90 days is increasing. In 2017, only 38 exceeded this deadline, said Maria José Fernandes, one of the authors of the document released by the Order of Official Accountants.

    He also pointed out that only 30 of the 308 municipalities exceeded the limits of total debt.

    In the ranking of the 100 best classified, obtained by the application of the 11 indicators analyzed in chapter 5 of the Yearbook, there are municipalities of the whole territory and of different dimensions. The municipality of Marinha Grande (average size) obtained the highest score, followed by Sintra (large size), which was in second place. Among the large municipalities, which according to this list are 19, Sintra, Porto and Oeiras constitute the top 3 of the municipalities best placed in the ranking. Also noteworthy for the municipality of Barcelos that obtained the best score in the ranking among the municipalities of the district of Braga.

    Among the main conclusions are, according to the study, others already repeated in previous years, namely the greater dependence of small municipalities on transfers from the State Budget, which represents an average of 62.1% of the revenue collected by these municipalities , “Which is of course a very high value”, as well as the greater proximity that has occurred in recent years between the value of budgets and budgets executed, which demonstrates greater budgetary efficiency.

    The Financial Yearbook of Portuguese Municipalities is coordinated by the Center for Research in Accounting and Taxation (CICF) and has the support of the Order of Certified Accountants and the collaboration of the Court of Auditors.

    Consult the Directory of Portuguese Municipalities 2017


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