Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence – 2017

    25 de May, 2017 cicf 747 No Comments

    The members of the Research Centre in Accounting and Taxation, Professor Verónica Ribeiro and Professor Sónia Monteiro, and Master Ana Moura, were distinguished with the Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence – 2017: Outstanding Author Contributions.

    This distinction is in regard of the work “Determinants of Sustainability E-Reporting in Portuguese Municipalities: An Institutional and Legitimacy Theoretical Framework”, developed by the member of CICF, in co-authoring with Ana Moura, published in the book: Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholding”. Book volume 10.

    For more details go to http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/literati/oac_2017.htm?series=dcgr

    Congratulations to the authors and keep up the good work.

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